Moonstone + Quartz
An Icy blue Moonstone wrapped in sterling silver wire, paired with clear quartz dangles and hung on an 18 inch stainless steel chain.
An Icy blue Moonstone wrapped in sterling silver wire, paired with clear quartz dangles and hung on an 18 inch stainless steel chain.
An Icy blue Moonstone wrapped in sterling silver wire, paired with clear quartz dangles and hung on an 18 inch stainless steel chain.
Third eye chakra
Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Used to connect with feminine energies
Stone for new beginnings
Enhances intuition & connection with ancient wisdom
Balancing emotions, yin & yang energy
Clear Quartz
Crown chakra
Used to amplify energies of other stones
Master healer
Increases awareness & clarity of thought
Enhances energy flow & balance